What is the relationship between ADHD and sleep disorders in women?
Sleep disorders are very common in anyone with ADHD, and emerging research suggests they can occur more frequently women. Sleep problems make ADHD symptoms worse and ADHD symptoms and behaviors affect sleep.
11- Russell In addition to medication and therapy, what other lifestyle supports for adult ADHD are suggested by professionals?
Activities that are good for the brain and body tend to also be helpful in ADHD. My top three recommendations: regular physical activity, good sleep habits, and minimization of alcohol/cannabis use.
15 Sadek What are the treatment considerations in comorbid ADHD and anxiety disorders?
Some authors raised concerns that stimulant medications may lead to exacerbation of anxiety disorders and sleep problems in patients with comorbid ADHD and anxiety disorders. Some reports suggest that anxiety does not lessen response to ADHD stimulant treatment.
How can diet support the management of ADHD symptoms?
Diet/nutrition can help ADHD symptoms in two ways: by avoiding harmful additives (dyes, excess sugar, trans fats, etc.), especially in highly processed foods, and by ensuring essential nutrients for brain health (vitamins, essential minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, complete protein). Two strategies for ensuring essential nutrients are healthful diets (e.g., Mediterranean or whole foods) and supplementation with micronutrients (e.g., multivitamins/minerals, fish oil).
What is the relationship between ADHD symptoms and functioning?
We know a great deal about identifying, measuring, and treating the core symptoms of ADHD. We need to know more about measuring and treating how these symptoms are related to functional impairment, and how successful treatment of symptoms has been in remediating the patient’s complaints of difficulty functioning.
Who can assess and diagnose ADHD?
Adults are often assessed and diagnosed with ADHD by a psychologist who performs a psychoeducational assessment, or by a family physician, pediatrician, nurse practitioner, psychiatrist, or neurologist, who performs a medical assessment. To determine the best type of assessment it would be helpful to have a discussion with a primary care provider.
What does CBT treatment look like for adults with ADHD?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for adult ADHD is an empirically supported treatment that introduces and helps clients practice skills to improve self-regulation when experiencing symptoms of ADHD. Key components of this treatment include psychoeducation about ADHD and its symptoms, understanding how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors interact to create impairment in one’s functioning, and improving one’s ability to use skills in the moment.
What are some unique challenges for older teens and young adults with ADHD?
The transition to young adulthood is one of the most vulnerable periods of life for a person with ADHD. Top challenges include finding an engaging career path, taking care of one’s mental and emotional health, building meaningful relationships, and reaching financial stability.
What are some of the less-known potential signs and features of ADHD in men?
Other than typical ADHD symptoms, there are various issues, due to ADHD, that men can struggle with that go unnoticed. These include workaholism, perfectionism, suicidal thoughts, and dependencies on cannabis, pornography, and/or food.
What is the relationship of ADHD to Substance Use Disorders?
It appears that adults with ADHD have 4-5 times the risk of developing a Substance Use Disorder than those who don’t have ADHD. Both our genes and our life experiences probably contribute to this elevated risk.
How is ADHD in adults an explanation for challenges and not an excuse?
For adults, an ADHD diagnosis may seem like the reason for all life’s problems. This explanation becomes empowering when it leads to developing and learning supports for living well with ADHD.
How can students with ADHD prepare for college/university?
College or university can be daunting for students with ADHD, who must manage greater independence, academic rigor, and social interactions. Providing individualized support, ensuring timely access to resources, and cultivating self-advocacy are essential strategies to help them thrive and achieve their educational goals.
What do we know about self-talk among adults diagnosed with ADHD?
Adults with ADHD endorse maladaptive thinking patterns that negatively impact their emotions and behavior more so than adults without ADHD. Maladaptive thinking can include negative thinking (e.g., depressive and anxious thoughts), as well as positive thinking (e.g., overestimating one’s ability to do things at the last minute that encourage putting off important tasks).