ADHD Awareness is Key
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Oh my days…

mountain and flowers painting not realistic

This is a tale about myself. You might see me in the same classroom, chatting with you or a multitasker—a jack of all trades, creative and talented. You might think I’m smart! But your academic achivements are often much higher than mine, even in the final race in life you are successful than me and … Read more

Adult ADHD and me

One July night in 2023, I realized something was wrong. “Do I have ADHD?” I searched the internet. The symptoms sounded like me- creativity, hyperfocus, info dumping, lateness, messiness, blurting things out, daydreaming, oversharing, working well under deadlines, staying calm under pressure, slow processing, preferring my own company… I always thought these were my quirks. … Read more

Growing up with ADHD

When I was around 6-10 I never really showed any signs of ADHD except having a really bad hyperfixation to bugs. I didn’t have any real close friends so I never got invited to people’s houses. I made a few friends who also liked bugs but everyone found us weird. I used to be loud … Read more

College took 7 years

I didn’t see an issue until adulthood. College was not a walk in the park. I was easily distracted, became over-stimulated and took on way too many tasks. I had a part-time job in college, was a Resident Assistant and a Full-Time student, while being involved in Student Government. Needless to say, I would burn … Read more